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What Are Your Fashion New Years Resolutions?

While any time is a good time to start healthy habits, the new year feels like the perfect opportunity to welcome a fresh start! It is a time for shedding the tendencies that no longer serve you and recommit to the ones that do. At E’s Element we believe that what you wear plays a huge role in how you feel. Dressing comfortably in clothes that make you feel confident helps boost your efficiency and effectiveness. This year consider how you can be more intentional with how you dress. This can be a fun exercise that transfers intentionality and growth into other areas of your life. Ask yourself the following questions to uncover what your fashion new year’s resolutions are. 

What are some outfits I felt really good in? 

This question is a simple yet transformative inquiry that invites you to reflect on the moments when you felt truly confident and empowered. Your choice of clothing can be a profound expression of your identity and mood, influencing not only how others perceive us but, more importantly, how you perceive ourselves. Take a moment to revisit those instances where you stood in front of the mirror and thought, "Wow, I look amazing!" What was it about those outfits that boosted your confidence? Was it the fit, the colour, or the overall style? Identifying the elements that resonate with your authentic self can be a key step in cultivating a wardrobe that serves as a daily source of empowerment. As we unravel the threads of self-discovery through our fashion choices, we unlock a deeper understanding of our unique style and the confidence it brings.

models wearing e's element jewelry 2024

Pictured: E's Element jewelry pieces on our beautiful models!

What pieces in my wardrobe bring me this feeling?

Once you’ve sat with the memories of outfits that made you feel good, the next step is to curate a wardrobe that consistently sparks that same confidence. Begin by taking an inventory of your current clothing collection. It can be so much fun to try on all your pieces! Assess each piece not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for the emotions it invokes. Keep those items that align with the essence of your confident self and bid farewell to pieces that no longer resonate. Embrace a minimalist mindset by focusing on quality over quantity, selecting versatile pieces that can mix and match effortlessly. Identify patterns in the styles, colours, and silhouettes that consistently make you feel good, and use these insights as a guide for future purchases. Consider investing in timeless staples that withstand fleeting trends, ensuring your wardrobe remains a source of confidence over the long term. Remember, a curated closet filled with pieces that align with your authentic self is not just a fashion statement; it's a daily affirmation of your confidence and identity.

What are some new things I want to try?

This year, take the opportunity to step into new styles. It's essential to strike a balance between the comfort of the familiar and the excitement of the unknown. Being experimental with your fashion choices can breathe new life into your style and open doors to unexpected favourites. If you’ve had your eye on any pieces, or feel inspired by those around you now is the perfect time to grow. Start by incorporating small changes, perhaps experimenting with bold accessories, trying out different colour palettes, or mixing and matching patterns. Embrace the power of layering and don't shy away from textures that pique your interest. Attend local fashion events or browse through style inspiration on social media platforms to discover emerging trends and unique pairings. Visit thrift stores or vintage shops to explore one-of-a-kind pieces that can inject personality into your wardrobe. The key is to approach fashion with a playful spirit, allowing yourself the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. Remember, true confidence often emerges when we step outside our comfort zones, so be brave, explore with curiosity, and let your evolving style tell the story of your ever-growing self-assurance.

model wearing e's element jewelry pieces 2024

Pictured: E's Element jewelry pieces like the Infinity Zircon Necklace on our beautiful models!

What are some shopping and clothing habits I’m ready to release?

At every moment we are growing, learning and have the opportunity to move towards our best selves. When thinking about the importance of your wardrobe and habits while getting dressed, invite yourself to think about what is no longer serving you. Begin by identifying shopping habits that don’t fit in with your higher self - impulse purchases driven by fleeting trends, buying items that don't align with your personal style, or succumbing to the allure of fast fashion. Recognize the patterns in your dressing routine that may be tied to self-perception. Do you often default to outfits that hide rather than celebrate your individuality? Are there garments you consistently avoid, fearing they draw too much attention? The way we present ourselves through clothing is a reflection of our self-esteem and self-image. Embrace and grow the practices that uplift and empower you. Release the notion that certain styles are off-limits and challenge yourself to wear what genuinely makes you happy. By aligning your shopping and dressing habits with a positive self-image, you cultivate not only a stylish wardrobe but also a deeper sense of self-assurance that radiates from within.

As you journey into the new year, consider fashion resolutions as more than just style goals - they're promises to nurture your self-expression, bolster your self-esteem, and elevate your overall well-being. Whether it's curating a wardrobe that sparks joy, experimenting with bold styles, or shedding old habits that no longer serve you, each step is a stride towards a more empowered, authentic version of yourself. So, let this be the year you embrace the transformative power of fashion, unlocking a world of self-discovery that transcends your closet and positively impacts every facet of your life. 

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